HydroHeat are proud to announce its custom made condensate tank for commercial systems, the HydroHeat Condensate Neutralising Tank HHCNT600-1200. The tanks are available on order now, with larger tanks custom made on request, all come with a Hydroheat 25 year warranty.
The HHCNT600-1200 is a robust solution for the treatment of boiler condensate in larger commercial installs, treating the acidic condensate waste to a neutral ph state, thus allowing safe and environmentally compliant discharge into mains drainage. The HydroHeat condensate tank is configured with a 3 x baffle inner which forces the condensate through the tank. Using Marble Chip neutraliser granules this effectively treats large volumes of condensate over a prolonged period of time.
The robust design features UV Stable welded 6mm PVC / PolypropyleneFor indoor or outdoor use and the tank comes complete with a removable lid as well as a 25kg bag of Marble Chip Neutraliser Granules.
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